Child's name: {{name}}

Child's DOB: {{cdob}}

Date completed: {{date}}

The PLUM (Parent-evaluated Listening & Understanding Measure) screens listening skills. The HATS (Hearing and Talking Scale) screens communication skills. The checklists are validated for use with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children below 6 years of age in urban, rural and remote communities.

For each checklist, results are compared to those of typically developing children to indicate whether the child's skills are on track, borderline, or not yet on track.

HATS results show talking skills are:

On track ARROW
Borderline ARROW
Not yet on track ARROW


  • {{content}}


For all children and families, 'Yarning at Home' suggests activities for parents and carers to help their children practice listening and talking skills every day.

Completed by   Role  


More information for families, carers & professionals is available at www.plumandhats.nal.gov.au